Meet our Mná Team Members

Diana Powell Bodrone

Diana Powell Bodrone
Originally from Cork and having travelled the world working as a midwife, Diana met a French man who drew her to France 22 years ago. France has been a good place for Diana to raise 2 boys now young adults. This life full with family and work.
In her aim to show her boys that looking out for others was part of life she started up a charity called « Amour en Boite ». Now an impressive charity full of amazing people. In her work as a community midwife, she also saw the need to show some compassion to women in less-than-ideal circumstances this led her to start up another charity “The Pink Bag”. At the moment is in the process of being relaunched. Everyday there are calls for these bags for future mothers with all they need for themselves and their baby.
She has had such an honour to journey with Irish mums in Paris and created the Irish Mamie’s group. This group has shown her how resourceful and strong Irish women are and it’s with pride that she see them helping each other as they Mother with the support of people from their motherland.
During the Covid epidemic we were reaching out for support in this frightening time, it was a time she joined the Mna’s community, It’s was a time of heavy workload but the separation from home frightening. The Mna’s were a life line. This connection to these women who understand the complexity of being in a different country and culture but can connect to home.