Meet our Mná Team Members

Veronica Comyn

Veronica Comyn, an honours graduate in literature and political science, has been involved in international relations, trade and investment for the past 40 years, both in the private and the public sectors. Born in South Africa, she left her first job in Dublin to commence her international career with the Banque Worms in Paris in merchant banking and moved on to international trade and investment development for the Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris. She then spent several years at France’s leading business school, HEC, as Director of International Relations, before returning to her favoured activity, international consulting, with the Maitland Group and then INTTIS . This led to her appointment as deputy CEO of Ingeus, a company she set up in France for an Australian client. Specialised in cross-cultural management and business diplomacy she advised clients interested in penetrating foreign markets or those requiring networks of influence.
Through most of her career Veronica has devoted significant time, pro bono, to the development of professional and cultural associations, notably the “Chambre de Commerce Franco-Irlandaise”/ NetworkIrlande in Paris, and trade & investment relations between France and Ireland.
Veronica, who speaks several languages, has lived and worked in countries as diverse as Australia, France, the UK and South Africa. From the original Comyn family home near Loughrea in Galway, the family has spread to Dublin, Cork and the Curragh. After several decades in Paris, Veronica now lives in the south of France on the edge of the Parc National de l’Estérel, where she loves hiking with her French husband. However, she enjoys returning regularly to Paris to keep in touch with her network, attend MNA events etc. Her other interests include music, painting, wildlife and travel (especially to Italy where she spends summer).